PSC Library Faculty Committee – Open Meeting All Library Faculty (Full and Part-time) Welcome

PSC Library Faculty Committee – Open Meeting
All Library Faculty (Full and Part-time) Welcome

Date: Thursday, April 26th
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Place: PSC Union Hall, 16th floor, 61 Broadway (Financial District, Manhattan)
RSVP to: [email protected] (so we can know how much food to get)

Please join the PSC Library Faculty Committee for an open meeting on Thursday, April 26th at the PSC Union Hall. The Committee will provide an update on its current work, give an overview of upcoming work related to contract negotiations, and open the floor to all library faculty to alert the Committee to workplace or contractual issues of concern to library faculty. We will also discuss the current structure of the Committee and ways you can get involved in the Committee’s work.

If you would like to alert us ahead of the meeting about an issue you think the Committee and the Union needs to address, please email us and we will put it on the agenda, a copy of which will be sent out in the coming weeks. We can be reached at:

[email protected]

Please distribute this notice to your departmental colleagues if you have a chance.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you on April 26th as possible!

Robert Farrell
Assistant Professor, Library
Lehman College, CUNY
PSC Library Faculty Committee, Chair

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The PSC Library Faculty Committee invites you to LIBRARY FACULTY BAR NIGHT

The PSC Library Faculty Committee invites you to


When and Where:

Thursday, March 22nd, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.

147 Front St
Brooklyn, NY 11201

* Join Library Faculty colleagues in DUMBO, Brooklyn for great drinks
and even greater conversation.

* First drink paid for by the PSC!

* Bring a friend. All PSC members welcome – come meet your colleagues
from the CUNY Library Departments.

Please RSVP to [email protected]

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LACUNY PDC Travel Grant winners announced!

The Library Association of the City University of New York Professional Development Committee has finalized its selection process for the three recipients of the Spring 2012 LACUNY Travel Grant.

The selected applicants are:

Ann Matsuuchi, LaGuardia Community College
Robert Farrell, Lehman College
Lisa Flanzraich, Queens College

11 people applied for 3 grants of $500 each. The process was very competitive and many excellent proposals were not funded.
We will be offering three more grants next fall and spring, so there are more opportunities on the horizon!

Congratulations to all of the Spring 2012 LACUNY Travel Grant recipients!

Jesus Sanabria  & Jonathan Cope
LACUNY Professional Development Committee

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